Timeless Moments, Beautifully Captured – Serving Virginia and Beyond


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Ryan Clark, the photographer is photographing at a beach wedding.


Photography has always interested me as the medium in which to freely express the emotions in my mind. Being interested in photography at an early age I got my first camera, a Polaroid Land Camera. Though mostly a self-taught photographer, I was always a student of taking photos and print manipulation. While practicing photography at the Visual Arts Center in Portsmouth, VA, I learned how to develop and print photos in a darkroom. This led me to converting one of the rooms in my house into a functioning darkroom, and for many years I developed negatives and made prints for clients and art shows.

Digital photography was in it’s infancy around this time as I made the leap into digital image manipulation via the “digital darkroom” of Photoshop.  Also around that time I was working for Lifetouch National School Studios for about 5 years shooting portrait photography, sports photography and group photography.  Some of my nature and city art work have also been displayed at art galleries and sold in art shows.  Spanning over 16 years, I have shot many weddings, both as an assistant and on my own.  

– Ryan Clark


My Credo

“The photographs that I love to take are a reflection of my soul. I aim to capture a moment in time that is fleeting, overlooked or possibly unrevealed to the naked eye. I look for beauty in even the most trivial scenes while attempting to transmit that via photography.”

-Ryan Clark


My Commitment To You

 Your wedding is a reflection of your love for one another and I take that personally. Each one of my clients are at the heart of my wedding photography with their own unique love story to tell. It is that love story that everyone of us wants to express and celebrate at our wedding. That is what fuels me to do my very best photography for each and every one of them. Your wedding is the most important day for you both, and I know you want wedding photos that you can treasure and hold close to your heart for the rest of your life. Time, above all else, is an absolute commodity that we all should cherish together, and is worth more than anything in this world. Your wedding day is a reflection of that time. What is your love story?

-Ryan Clark


Let me help you express your love story through my wedding photography!

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